Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Key Ideas that Shape a Life

When I was a boy, my hulking, Swedish grandfather Carl came to live with us.  Grandma Amelia had died, and Grandpa Carl was unable to live on his own.  So, for a time, Grandpa took the small spare bedroom at the end of the hallway on the right.  

Grandpa Carl had given me my first taste of coffee, which he liked with cream and at least 4 lumps of sugar.  Grandpa Carl had put me in his lap and let me steer the car when we went to the new carwash in south Racine, Wisconsin.  Grandpa Carl insisted that at 6:00 PM on Saturday nights, the Lawrence Welk show be on the family TV.

And one day, Grandpa Carl gave me a key idea that has always shaped my walk with God.

I walked in his bedroom one day when he was reading his Bible.  When he looked up, I could tell he’d been shedding tears.  He was reading 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 in the King James Bible, and with his magnifying glass, he showed me the verses.  I recall him reading them out loud while I listened.  And then, looking up again, he said, “Ah Davy…’dat ‘vill be a great day.”

The momentary expectation of Jesus’ return, and that when it happens, it will be a great day, has never left me.  It is one of the key ideas deeply rooted in my heart by my Grandpa.

What are the key ideas that are rooted in your heart, that act as a beacon, a guide, that keep echoing in your heart and shape your walk with Jesus?

Here are a number of key ideas that came from the bunch I preach to each Sunday:
  • Jesus' command to "Follow Me!"
  • Trust!
  • I owe Him so much
  • Hope and Promise
  • Focus on things of Eternal Value
  • Jesus has the words to eternal life (John 6:68)
  • His faithfulness
  • God's love and grace
  • To know God's love and to show God's love
  • His love never fails
  • "I have one that you may have life and have it abundantly" John 10:10
  • He lived among us - perfect - and Jesus' forgiving those humiliating and killing him
  • Prayer, prayer, and more prayer
  • Eternity for those who do not know Him is eternal separation
  • I'm free
  • Grace
  • Love
  • The Lord is My Shepherd
  • friendship
  • My whole reason for being is because of Him; All I have belongs to Him
  • His great love and unfathomable lovingkindness
  • Be available to God
  • Faith
  • Compassion
  • In this world we will have trouble; He has overcome the world (John 6:33)
  • God is love.  He who does not love does not know God
  • Memorize Scripture and Pray Scripture
  • Jesus gave His life for Me
  • Nothing I have can earn His love and grace
  • Advance the Gospel and His Kingdom into the Nations
  • Serve Others
  • The Word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12)
  • God is always good
  • Jesus alone has the words of Life
  • Even when failed by others, He will never fail
  • Be in the Bible - regularly
  • There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1-2)
  • Jesus loved me first, so I love Him.
  • Jesus' love is not dependent on my attempts to please Him.  The Cross alone.
  • The hunger to glorify myself is my greatest enemy; that I may know Jesus as friend and Lord is my greatest hope.
  • What is seen is temporary, unseen eternal
  • I cannot do life on my own; I must be filled with His Spirit
  • Christ's heart of welcome -- full of grace and truth -- stirs me
  • Walk with Jesus fearlessly; God works good from pain.
  • Blessings from relying on Him are unbelievable
What key idea guides your walk with Jesus?

Thanks to the congregation of the Christ Community Church (Ames, Iowa) for these great ideas.  Righteous!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have such vivid memories of him, David. Thanks for sharing this one. I'd like to hear more. Love you...Donna
