Monday, September 1, 2014


"How do I know when God is speaking to me?"

I love these kinds of questions.  They are so important


Often when Jesus taught, he would begin what he would say, or end it, with an interesting statement.  "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

I take it from that kind of goad that Jesus indicates that God is speaking to us all the time.  The real issue is if we are tuned in, or not.  Often we are not.  We expect God to come at us like the rest of today's information - in 10 or 15 or 30 or 60 second advertisements, or in sound bites from giggling millennials on early morning television programs.  We read more tweets, Facebook postings, or entertainment magazines than we do Scripture.

Got ears?  Then listen to Jesus.  So how do you do that?


"All Scripture is God-breathed, and is therefore profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.  So that the person of God will be thoroughly equipped, ready for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Paul's explanation to Timothy about the helpfulness of Scripture cannot be overlooked if we want to hear regularly from God.  Simply put, God speaks to us personally through Scripture.  When we read it - with understanding (i.e., taking note of its context and contents), God's Spirit will speak to us about what to believe (teaching), what needs to be stopped in my life (reproof), what needs to be lived instead (correction), and how to get strong in living rightly (training in righteousness).  With this approach, take some time to read EPHESIANS for a moment.  I guarantee you that God will teach you, reprove you, correct you, and give you some training in excellent living.   He will speak.

The challenge is - will you agree with what He says, and will you obey His promptings?


Christians are reminded , pretty regularly, that they are the host-home of a living Person, the Holy Spirit of God.  He takes Scripture and speaks to us through it.  He also speaks in applying Scripture to the opportunities of our daily lives.  For example, when Scripture says, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17), I find the Spirit prompting me all the time to pray.

When a Cyclone player goes down with a leg injury, I sense God's Spirit saying "pray!!!"  When I'm in a conversation with someone new, and does not know Christ, I sense God's Spirit saying, "pray for his heart to open up to Christ."  When I'm walking and memorizing Scripture, I sense God's Spirit saying, "Here's what this means for you."

Ask the Holy Spirit to talk to you.  He will.  You'll start thinking things from Him you never would have said to yourself.


Proverbs 11:14 says, "in an abundance of counselors, there is safety."  Frequently, God speaks through godly, trusted friends who themselves are full of Scripture, the Spirit, and living-for-Christ experience.   Seek some mentors of this ilk!  Unpack with them, and listen.  Jesus uses "his Body" as it speaks the truth in love to one another, to bring us to maturity (cf. Ephesians 4:12-16).

Often, godly friends will help you hear what God is saying to you about very specific situations.  Many of our decisions are not "right vs. wrong" ones, but rather "wise vs. unwise" calls.  Wisdom is fully available from God (James 1:3-5), and often in the mouths of our walking-with-Jesus friends.


Simply put, reflect often on Scripture, lean into the Holy Spirit, spend time with godly friends - I think you'll find God coming in loud and clear...if you've "got ears."

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