Monday, September 1, 2014


"My dad is asking about HEAVEN.  What should I say to him?"

Wow.  What a wonderful opportunity.  Here's what I'd suggest.

First, do a bit of research yourself.  The Bible has much to say about "heaven," which is a more general term which needs some clarifying.  So you need to dig a little.  Here are some digging spots.

  * HEAVEN - the word "heaven" is variously used in the bible.  It can refer to our earth's atmosphere, or also to the region of the starry hosts (universe).  It can also refer to the place where a manifestation of God's presence can be found (cf. Isaiah 6 "God's throneroom" or 2 Corinthians 12, a "third heaven").  So often, the "context" (i.e., surrounding verses) will indicate which heaven is in view.

  * A PLACE -  typically, people mean by heaven a "place to live where God is and that is perfect".  Jesus spoke to his disciples about "going to prepare a place for them in His Father's house" (John 14:1-3), and after His preparation, he would "come back to them and receive them unto himself."

  * WHEN I DIE and WHEN I AM RESURRECTED - Paul spoke of a reality or place where Christ is where those who are "in Christ" go when their bodies cease functioning.  "To be absent from the body is to be at home with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8).  Considering his own pending death, Paul wrote he preferred "to depart and be with Christ, which is very much better" (Phil 1:23).  So, for those who have trusted in Christ's death and resurrection for them, they may have confidence that eternal life has been given to them (John 3:16), and that their death is an upgrade into he presence of Christ, or heaven (if you will).   And, 1 Thessalonians 4:11-16 teaches us that our bodies will be resurrected at the end of time, rejoined to our spirit/soul, and like the resurrection body of  the Lord himself (1 John 3:1-3, cf. 1 Corinthians 15:35-57).

  * OUR ETERNAL HOME - finally, the Bible speaks of a permanent eternal home for God's redeemed people, a "new heaven and new earth" at the center of which is a marvelous city, a "new Jerusalem," described in Revelation 21-22.  Entry into this comes after a kingdom era on the earth (Revelation 20:1-6), and the final judgment of the unsaved (Revelation 20:11-15).  The reality of hell is described there, and it is for those are without salvation in Christ.  The description in Revelation 21-22 is quite compelling, and speaks of our eternal "heaven," our future home.

Second, ask him some more questions.  What does he want to know about heaven?  What source does he trust for answers (the Bible, the movies, talk shows)?   My desire in further inquiry would be to understand what he is feeling (if he is willing to share it), why he is interested, and what he'd like to know.  Ultimately, the best source for any answers would be the Scriptures.

Third, help him understand the way to heaven.  Focus on Biblical passages like John 3:16, John 5:24, John 14:1-6, and 1 John 5:11-12.  Simple faith in Christ, which opens the door to heaven, can be expressed in this wonderful prayer.  Use it with him, if he is willing:

Father in Heaven
Today I choose to place my faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone.
I believe He died in my place to pay the penalty my sin deserves.
I believe You raised Him from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit.
By faith I receive the gift of His righteousness in the place of my sin.
Thank you.
Help me to grow in Christ.
Amen. him again 1 John 5:11-12!   He's ready for heaven.

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